

Cook Shire Council is pleased to announce that Storytime is coming back in 2022 with a new - exclusively online - format, offering interactive storytelling and craft sessions to even more children across the Shire.

Storytime online

Cook Shire Council is pleased to announce that as part of First 5 Forever, this term's Storytime sessions will trial a new format that includes an interactive craft project and will be broadcast online via Zoom.

The First 5 Forever program is designed to provide strong early literacy foundations for children aged 0-5 years. It's delivered through libraries across the State. Council's decision to broadcast the sessions online will allow more children from across our large, geographically dispersed Shire, to access and enjoy the program. 

Children will also have the chance to complete a weekly craft project that connects to the book being read. All craft supplies for these projects will be provided free of charge to participants who register in time. 

Sessions will be broadcast on Thursdays from 9.30-10 am commencing Thursday 10 February 2022.

February is all about celebrating Australian animals through stories and will feature some of Australia's favourite children's books including, Wombat Stew, Tiddalick the Frog and Kookaburra, Kookaburra.

Places are limited and registrations are essential in order to receive Zoom link.
Please call the Cooktown Library on (07) 4069 5009 or to register your child.

An initiative of the Queensland Government, coordinated by State Library of Queensland and
delivered in partnership with Cook Shire Council.

ABN: 45 425 085 688

10 Furneaux Street Cooktown, Qld 4895

Mail: PO Box 3 Cooktown, Qld 4895


Phone: (07) 4082 0500

Fax: (07) 4082 0588

Hours: 8.45am-4.45pm Monday to Friday