Public Notice | Vandalism restricts after hours public toilet access
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Public Notice | Vandalism restricts after hours public toilet access

Vandals have again forced Cook Shire Council to restrict after-hours access to the public toilets at the Cooktown Waterfront and William Daku Park after the facilities have been repeatedly damaged.

Effective immediately the facilities at the far end of Webber Esplanade will be locked every day from 5:00 pm until 6 am. Additionally, all but two of the toilets adjacent to the popular Splash Park will also be locked between these hours.

Both facilities are currently closed for cleaning and urgent repairs.

Historically, Council teams have been able to carry out emergency cleaning and repairs in order to keep them in use, but the recent attacks has made it quite clear that with limited resources to patrol and maintain the facilities, the current afterhours access arrangement is no longer sustainable to maintain, and therefore poses a potential safety risk for the community

Anyone with any information regarding these acts of vandalism are encouraged to contact Police Link on 131 444.

ABN: 45 425 085 688

10 Furneaux Street Cooktown, Qld 4895

Mail: PO Box 3 Cooktown, Qld 4895


Phone: (07) 4082 0500

Fax: (07) 4082 0588

Hours: 8.45am-4.45pm Monday to Friday