Town Planning
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Town Planning

Cook Shire Planning Scheme, including maps and Infrastructure Charges Register

Town planning

To obtain further information or to lodge a development application you will require forms available on the Queensland Government DLGIP webpage.

Planning scheme

Access the Cook Shire Council Planning Scheme and the Planning Scheme Maps.

Storm tide maps 

Access Cook Shire Storm Tide Maps.

Infrastructure charges resolution

The Town Planning Infrastructure Charges Resolution applies to new development applications received after July 13, 2018. Click here to view the infrastructure charges resolution.

Infrastructure Charges Register

Access Cook Shire Council's Infrastructure Charges Register.

Pre-lodgement meeting 

If you wish, you can arrange a pre-lodgement meeting. Please contact Council's Planning Team.

P | 4082 0500     E |  

ABN: 45 425 085 688

10 Furneaux Street Cooktown, Qld 4895

Mail: PO Box 3 Cooktown, Qld 4895


Phone: (07) 4082 0500

Fax: (07) 4082 0588

Hours: 8.45am-4.45pm Monday to Friday