You are here: Home / Council / News, Public Notices and Media Releases / Media Releases / Archived Media Releases / 2022 MEDIA RELEASES / NOVEMBER 2022 / MEDIA RELEASE | HELEN STREET WATER MAIN UPGRADE COMPLETE


Cook Shire Council is pleased to announce that works to upgrade the water main along Helen Street in Cooktown are now complete.

Funded by the Australian Government through the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications, under phase 3 of the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure program, this stage of the project included realigning and replacing the ageing 80mm AC main with 100 uPVC pipe.

“The old pipes had simply reached the extent of their reliability and needed replacing,” said Robyn Maddalena, Council’s Manager of Water and Wastewater.

“The new PVC pipes are more durable and reliable, which will help minimise service interruptions for years to come,” she said.

“Our huge shire includes almost 3,000 km of roads, more than 270 Council owned buildings and an extensive water and waste water network. Maintaining services, and upgrading and future-proofing these assets is a big part of what we do,” said Cook Shire Mayor Peter Scott, adding that despite encountering huge boulders during excavations, the works are complete on time.

For more information contact Cook Shire Council via email to or by phoning 4082 0500.

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Mail: PO Box 3 Cooktown, Qld 4895


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Hours: 8.45am-4.45pm Monday to Friday