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Rates are a contribution each homeowner, lessee of State owned land or holder of Mining Leases and Claim makes to the Cook Shire Council towards the cost of running the Shire and the provision of community services and facilities.
Some of these services and facilities include the maintenance of beaches, roads and walkways, sporting grounds, parks and gardens, events centre, library, the protection of threatened plants and animals, the collection and disposal of waste and recyclables and numerous other community projects.
The information provided in this section aims to assist you with understanding the charges on your rate notice, outlines how to pay options and provides details for where to go to get help.
Find out more information on how Council determines the amount you pay for rates and charges.
If you have been impacted by TC Jasper and the associated rainfall and flood event, you might be eligible for Rates Relief. Click here to find out more and apply, or contact Council on 4082 0500.
Rate notice frequency
Rate notices are issued half-yearly in August/September and February/March of each year.
Ratepayer discounts
In accordance with Section 130 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 a discount at the rate of:-
- $100 per annum (i.e. $50 for each half-yearly rate period) NB: Effective 1 July 2021
Shall be allowed, provided that all current and outstanding Rates and Charges are paid in full and received by Council by close of business (5 pm), on the due date of the rate notice. All Rates and Charges must be paid for the system to allow a discount.
Paying After Discount Closed
If your rates are unpaid after the closing date the discount will not be allowed. Interest is charged from the first day after the due date as shown on the rates notice. Interest will be charged at 8.17% (daily compounding) on all unpaid rates.
Pensioner concessions
If you are the holder of a Queensland Centrelink Concession card and your Cook Shire property is your primary place of residence you may be eligible for Pensioner Remissions. If you think you may be eligible and are not currently receiving a concession on rates, you are encouraged to make application by contacting Council's Rates Officer. An application form is available below.
To be eligible for the State subsidy you must be:
- The holder of a valid Centrelink Concession Card
- The owner or life tenant of the property, which is your principle place of residence
- Lawfully residing at the property
- Legally responsible for the payment of Council rates and charges levied on that property
Those pensioners currently receiving a concession on their rates do not need to reapply. However, it is a requirement that you notify Council if your circumstances have changed.
Application Form for Pensioner Concession
Paying your rates
There are a number of ways to pay your rates.
- In person at the Administration Office, 10 Furneaux Street, Cooktown between 8.45am and 4.30pm. We accept cash, cheque, EFTPOS and credit cards.
- By phone with credit card (Australian Mastercard or Visa) - please have your rate notice on hand.
- By mail using the detachable bottom section of the Rate Notice and returning it with your payment to Cook Shire Council, PO Box 3, Cooktown, Qld 4895.
- By BPAY using the Biller Code 172395 and your reference number shown beside the BPAY logo on the front of your Rate Notice.
- By Centrepay for those receiving Centrelink payments, using the Centrepay reference number 555 054 452 C. Contact Centrelink for application forms and more information.
- By Direct Debit Payments can be made in full on the due date, weekly, fortnightly or monthly from your cheque or savings account. Payments cannot be accepted from credit card accounts.To register to pay via direct debit, complete and submit a Direct Debit Request Form.
Pre-pay your rates
Making smaller, more regular payments can be an easier way for some people to pay their rates. Prepayment can be made to your rate account at any time. Contact Council's Rates Officer for more information.
Having difficulty paying your rates?
If you are having difficulty making payments, it is important that you contact Council's Rates Officer to discuss your situation. We would prefer to work with you rather than have Council’s debt collection agency pursue the debt.