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Disclosure of Contracts over $200,000
In compliance with legislative requirements, Council is required to publish details of all contracts worth over $200,000.00 on our website and at the customer service area.
Local Government Regulation 2012, Chapter 6 Contracting, Part 4 Publishing details of particular contracts. 237 Publishing details of contracts worth $200,000 or more (Current as at 9 August 2013).
(1) A local government must, as soon as practicable after entering a contract worth $200,000 or more (exclusive of GST):
(a) publish the relevant details of the contract on the local government's website; and
(b) display the relevant details of the contract in a conspicuous place in the local government's public office.
(2) The relevant details must be published or displayed under subsection (1) for a period of at least 12 months.
(3) In this section relevant details, of a contract, means the following:
(a) the person with whom the local government has entered into the contract;
(b) the value of the contract;
(c) the purpose of the contract.