Invasive plants
Pest plants can significantly alter the community dynamics of natural ecosystems. Cape York Peninsula’s warm tropical climate is ideal for the entry, establishment and spread of plant species from locations with analogous climate and soil properties. Biosecurity Services conduct a range of pest plant control activities, including targeted application of herbicides, mapping of infestations and surveying for new infestations.
PrIority weeds in Cook Shire
Click the following links to learn more about priority weeds in Cook Shire:
- Salvina (Salvinia molesta)
- Bellyache bush (Jatropha spp.)
- Gamba grass (Andropogon gayanus)
- Calotrope (Calotropis procera)
- Hymenachne (Hymenachne amplexicaulis)
- Giant rats tail grass (Sporobolus spp.)
- Thunbergia vine (Thunbergia spp.)
- Grader grass (Themeda quadrivalvis)
- Pond apple (Annona glabra)
- Rubber vine (Cryptostegia grandiflora)
- Lantana (Lantana camara)
- Navua sedge (Cyperus aromaticus)
- Giant sensitive plant (Mimosa diplotricha)
- Sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia)
- Lion's tail (Leonotis nepetifolia)
- Mother-in-laws tongue (Sansiviera trifasciata)
- Drooping tree-pear (Opuntia spp.)
- Leacaena (Leucaena leucocephala)
- Flax-leaf Fleabane (Conyza bonariensis)
Queensland Herbarium Plant Identification Scheme
If you find a plant you think might be invasive, why not send a sample to the Queensland Herbarium for identification? This is a free service and instructions on how to collect and send a sample can be found at the Queensland Herbarium’s website. Should your sample prove to be a controlled species, do not hesitate to contact Biosecurity Services on 4082 0500.
Spray unit loan scheme
To assist landholders with the management of weeds Biosecurity Services have in place a Quik Spray loan program. Currently, Biosecurity Services have two 600L Quik Spray unit available for loan. The capacity and efficiency of these units enables landholders to treat large areas while saving time and making a positive contribution to weed management, enhancing environmental outcomes and in many cases helping adjoining properties.
Register your interest
To register interest landholders are required to first complete a Quik Spray unit loan agreement form and submit in person at the Cook Shire Council administration building. Once submitted the landholder's details will be placed on a waiting list and contact will be made as soon as a unit is available for loan. At pick-up the landholder will be required to undergo a short induction in which use of the unit will be demonstrated.
Spray Unit Loan Conditions
- The landholder is responsible for transport of the unit to and from the Council depot
- Loans are for a maximum 10 days only
- A $250 bond is payable prior to use* (credit card pre-authorisations are acceptable)
- Each unit must be returned in the condition it is loaned, including with a full tank of unleaded fuel
- Basic details of the unit’s use must be recorded on the treatment record sheet as supplied
For a full list of the terms and conditions please consult the Quik Spray unit loan agreement form. For further information regarding the Quik Spray loan program please contact Biosecurity Services on 4082 0500 or via email.
* Please note: The bond of $250.00 is to be paid in cash or card with documentary evidence confirming your Account Name, BSB and Account Number. The cash provided will be held in a trust account until the spray unit has been returned in an acceptable condition.