Waste Levy 2019
What is the waste levy?
The Queensland Government is developing a new resource, recovery and waste strategy to help reduce the disposal of waste to landfill, increase recycling rates and recover valuable resources. The centrepiece of the strategy will be a waste disposal levy. For more information, visit the Queensland Government's website.
What will the waste levy mean for residents?
The levy will start on July 1, 2019, and does not apply to wheelie bin waste or self-hauled residential waste. The levy will apply to businesses. For businesses to minimise paying the waste levy, they will need to reduce waste generation and recycle as much as possible. The proposed levy rate will start at $75 per ton, exclusive of GST. You can view the proposed levy zones on the Queensland Government's website.
Can I get a waste levy exemption or discount?
It is proposed that some wastes be exempt from the levy, such as waste produced from declare natural disasters. It is also proposed that applications for exemptions or discounts may be applicable for waste items dumped by charities.