You are here: Home / Council / News, Public Notices and Media Releases / News / Archived News and Announcements / 2021 Archived Notices / October 2021 / PUBLIC NOTICE | UPGRADE WORKS RAILWAY AVENUE EAST


Please be advised that works to seal and upgrade the section of Railway Avenue East, between Poison Creek Road and the Minke Road intersection, are due to commence early November 2021.

It is estimated that these works will continue until mid-December 2021.

During this time access along this section of road will be restricted to local traffic only.

Access to properties in the works area will be maintained and all impacted residents have been duly notified.

With the change in road conditions, please plan your journey accordingly, drive to conditions and follow on-site traffic signs and instructions.

Should you have any queries, questions or concerns, please contact the Infrastructure Department by email at or by phone at 4082 0500.

Railway Avenue - Stage 2.png

ABN: 45 425 085 688

10 Furneaux Street Cooktown, Qld 4895

Mail: PO Box 3 Cooktown, Qld 4895


Phone: (07) 4082 0500

Fax: (07) 4082 0588

Hours: 8.45am-4.45pm Monday to Friday