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Cook Shire announces funding to strengthen and support flood hit communities

Excavator doing clean up work and the collapsed road heading towards Bloomfield after the floods


01 February 2024 – 02:23PM

Following the significant flooding events triggered by Tropical Cyclone Jasper in December 2023, that inundated more than 140 residences in the southern parts of Cook Shire, Council is taking decisive steps to bolster community resilience for future events with approval of $50,000 towards a non-competitive funding allocation for flood-impacted communities of Ayton, Bloomfield, Helenvale, and Rossville.

More than 140 residences were inundated by flood waters in Cook Shire in the wake of Tropical Cyclone Jasper.

Cook Shire Mayor, Peter Scott, highlighted the challenges faced during the aftermath, stating, “With roads blocked and power and telecommunications systems out, one of the biggest challenges was being able to contact, connect with, and support our communities when and where they needed us most.”

“These critical funds will go towards building resilience within the identified communities based on feedback received at community workshops,” he added

The aftermath of the cyclone brought unprecedented rain, flooding, property loss, road damage, landslides, and power outages to the southern parts of Cook Shire, as well as devastating neighbouring Degarra (in Douglas Shire) and Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire.

The aftermath of the cyclone brought unprecedented rain, flooding, property loss, road damage, landslides, and power outages to the southern parts of Cook Shire, as well as devastating neighbouring Degarra (in Douglas Shire) and Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire.

When Council teams were able to access communities to provide on-the-ground support, Council worked with community members identifying areas for improvement in Disaster Management Plans and response activities. Three key areas were identified that are being specifically targeted as part of the funding allocation:

Empowering Local Communities: Funding for emergency and telecommunications infrastructure including generators, satellite communications, emergency first aid equipment, and other resilience-enhancing items.

Strengthening On-Ground Presence: Employing and training staff located ‘on the ground’ in communities during significant events to improve communication and coordination with the Local Disaster Coordination Center (LDCC). These positions will be funded within existing budgets.

Enhancing Coordination Efforts: Acquiring IT equipment for LDCC to ensure collaborative and coordinated work efforts, thereby enhancing situational awareness. An additional allocation of funds has been approved for this equipment.

Mayor Scott reiterated, “Our paramount concern is the safety and resilience of our communities. By addressing the immediate needs identified by impacted communities, we fortify our disaster response capabilities.”

Cook Shire CEO Brian Joiner adding that “These measures underscore our commitment to swift and effective responses in times of crisis. The collaboration between communities and Council is pivotal in building resilience.”

Additional funding will be allocated towards enhancing disaster resilience in other communities once workshops have been conducted that will to identify the unique needs of each community.

For more information contact Cook Shire Council via email to mail@cook.qld.gov.au or by phoning 4082 0500.