Due to Cook Shire’s commitment to open and effective competition, we will call for formal quotes for any purchase over $15K to ensure the best contractor is sourced, locally where possible. We use VendorPanel online procurement system to manage, promote and receive most of Council’s contracts, tenders and procurement opportunities. Suppliers are encouraged to create a free account in VendorPanel to receive email notification when we add a new tender. It takes less than five minutes to sign up and you will need your Australian Business Number at hand.
Council strongly supports suppliers who reside within the Shire and is prepared to give due consideration where supply is offered, quality is commensurate with other suppliers and price is realistic after delivery is accounted for. A 10% weighting is given for enhancement of local business and industry.
Contractor register
Local contractors are invited to increase the visibility of their goods and services to Council buyers by registering on Council’s VendorPanel Marketplace.Â
The system provides local contractors with improved access to Council opportunities, while improving purchasing governance and transparency within Council.
The features of this electronic service for your business are:
- Free access to local government quotes and tenders
- Fast downloading of Council tender documents; and
- Easy uploading of responses to Council’s requests
To register your business visit the VendorPanel Marketplace registration page, select your business category and enter some details. Please make sure to select as many categories as necessary to adequately register your area of expertise.
You will then be sent an invitation to join VendorPanel Marketplace and complete your profile to complete the process. For more information, contact Council’s Procurement Coordinator on 4082 0500.
Disclosure of
Contracts over $200,000
In compliance with section 237 of the Local Government Regulation 2012, Council publishes a listing of all contractual arrangements worth $200,000 excluding GST in value or more. The report is published as a rolling 12-month period and is updated monthly.  Information documented includes:
- The person with whom Council has entered into the contractual arrangement;
- The value of the contractual arrangement; and
- The description of the contractual arrangement.

Electronic tender submissions
Cook Shire Council uses Vendor Panel for the release of all tenders and quotes, providing a one stop electronic portal for interested Tenderers, Contractors, Suppliers and Consultants. Submissions in response to tenders will be via the Vendor Panel portal and only on certain circumstances, by email totenders@cook.qld.gov.au.
If you have already registered your business on the VendorPanel Marketplace registration page you will not need to register again, however, if you have not, tenders are posted to VendorPanel public tenders. For more information, contact Council’s Procurement Coordinator.
Tenders will be subject to the Queensland Right to Information Act 2009 and Information Privacy Act 2009.
All information submitted in a tender, inclusive of pricing, may be publicised through the minuting of meetings hosted by the Council. Where a tender does not go to Council that same information may be released at the discretion of the Council.
In compliance with legislative requirements, Council is required to publish details of all contracts over $200,000 on its website and in the customer service area.
Terms and conditions
These are Council’s Standard Terms and Conditions for Goods and/or Services. Council may incorporate these Standard Terms and Conditions for Goods and/or Services into a contract with a supplier or by default with the issuance of a purchase order.
However, the Standard Terms and Conditions for Goods and/or Services will not apply to any engagement for which Council has provided a written contract incorporating alternative terms and conditions to the supplier.
Standard Terms and Conditions – Professional Services
Standard Terms and Conditions – Goods and Services
Procurement Process Conditions – Standard