Compliance and Protection: Managing Biosecurity Risks across Cook Shire
Under Queensland’s Biosecurity Act 2014 (the Act), Cook Shire Council is responsible for managing invasive/pest plants and invasive/pest animals on land across all tenures within its local government area. Under the Act, Cook Shire is required to take all reasonable and practicable steps to prevent or minimise the impacts of a biosecurity risk from its activities. Council is also responsible for enforcement of the legislation to ensure weeds and pest animals are managed appropriately across all tenures in its areas of jurisdiction and authority.
cook shire
Local Area Biosecurity Plan 2022-2026
The Cook Shire Local Area Biosecurity Plan 2022-2026 was approved and adopted by Council on 26 April 2022. Following a consultation process and prioritisation workshop, fourteen priority invasive plants and six priority invasive animals were nominated for inclusion. The new plan has undergone a thorough redraft to make the document more relevant and easier to use. It is intended to fulfill several purposes including:
- Identification of invasive species of primary concern (priority invasive species) to our local government area
- Development of strategies to reduce the impact of priority invasive species
- Description of performance indicators designed to assess the effectiveness of these strategies
- Providing landholders with a reference document outlining how they can contribute to the management of priority invasive species
The Cook Shire Local Area Biosecurity Plan 2022-2026 is to be reviewed annually to ensure that it’s content remains relevant. This review process is overseen by the Invasive Plants and Animals Advisory Committee (IPAAC). If you would like to join IPAAC and contribute to this process please contact Council’s Biosecurity Services team on 4082 0500.
2019 – 2023
Biosecurity Program
On the 20 February 2019, Cook Shire Council authorised the Cook Shire Council Biosecurity Surveillance Program 2019-2023. The purpose of this program is to assist Council officers in confirming the presence and distribution of invasive biosecurity matter within the Cook Shire local government area in addition to monitoring compliance with the Biosecurity Act 2014. Copies of the Program can be downloaded free of charge, inspected at Cook Shire Council’s Administration Building or provided in hard copy for a fee of $6.90.
cook shire
Local Area Biosecurity Plan
Invasive Plants
cook shire
Invasive Animals