Home » Cooktown Events Centre


A hub for sport, recreation and events.


The Cooktown Events Centre Gym offers a range of cardio, resistance machines and free-weight equipment, flexible membership options, and a welcoming environment to help you stay active and achieve your health and wellness goals. Sign up today.

Welcome to the Cooktown Events Centre

The Cooktown Events Centre is a hub for community activities, sports, recreation, and events. As Council prepares to take on management of the facility, we are focused on ensuring it continues to be a welcoming and accessible space for everyone in the Cook Shire community.

We understand the importance of this venue and are committed to maintaining its role as a vital resource for residents, local organisations, and visitors. During this transition period, our priority is to ensure a smooth handover and uninterrupted access to the Centre’s existing services and programs.

More information about future programming, events, and facility updates will be made available soon. In the meantime, we encourage you to stay connected with Council for the latest updates and announcements.

For any inquiries or feedback about the Cooktown Events Centre, please contact Council by calling (07) 4082 0500 or emailing mail@cook.qld.gov.au.

All current job vacancies for positions at the Events Centre can be found here 

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to make the Cooktown Events Centre an even greater asset to our community.

Frequently asked questions:

1. Why did the Council decide to directly manage the facility?

The decision was made to better align the facility’s management with the community’s evolving needs. Council’s direct management will provide greater flexibility in programming, accessibility, and partnerships, ensuring the Centre is fully utilised to benefit Cook Shire residents and the wider community.

2. How will the change in management benefit the community?

Council’s direct management will allow for increased evening and weekend access, more diverse programs, and improved opportunities for community groups and organisations to use the facility. Council is focused on ensuring value for money while expanding its availability for events, recreation, and cultural activities.

3. Will the Centre continue to offer the same programs?

Yes, many popular programs will continue. Council also plans to introduce new initiatives tailored to local needs, providing a diverse range of offerings for the community.

4. How will the facility be used during disasters?

The Cooktown Events Centre plays a vital role in disaster management as a place of refuge and coordination during emergencies. This will remain a priority under Council management. With Council staff on-site daily, we will ensure the Centre is always ready for disaster use while continuing to offer seamless day-to-day services.

5. Will there be increased costs for ratepayers due to Council assuming managment?

Council has always been responsible for substantial operational costs. By taking over management, Council aims to deliver the same high level of service within the current budget. Enhanced community access and expanded services will also provide new opportunities for revenue generation, ensuring the Centre continues to be a valuable asset for the community.

6. How will Council taking over the management of the Cooktown Events Centre affect costs?

Council is committed to ensuring a seamless transition. To enhance value, options for gym membership packages, including combined gym and pool access, are being explored. Room hire fees are being reviewed to support community, school, private and commercial use, with rates designed to reflect the type of event and the purpose of the organiser.

7. What steps will Council take to ensure the facility remains cost-effective?

Council will focus on increasing revenue through expanded venue hire and partnerships while exploring cost-saving measures like solar panel installation. Council is committed to optimising resources and ensuring the Centre is managed efficiently.

8. Will there be any disruption to services or activities at the Centre during the handover?

Council is working to ensure a smooth transition with minimal disruption to services. Any necessary changes will be communicated well in advance to keep the community informed.

9. Will Council hire new staff to manage the Centre?

Council has secured a new Centre Manager and is now looking at a range of roles to support operations, including program coordinators and cleaners. All current job vacancies for positions at the Events Centre can be found here https://www.cook.qld.gov.au/council/careers-at-council/job-vacancies/

10. How will the community be consulted or involved in the future of the Centre?

Council’s first priority is ensuring a smooth transition and uninterrupted services for current gym users and other facility patrons. Once this is achieved, Council plans to begin broader community consultation in early 2025 to gather feedback on the types of programs and services residents would like to see at the Centre. Community members will have opportunities to actively contribute to shaping the future of this important facility.

11. How will Council address any concerns from the community about this change?

Council is committed to transparency and responsiveness. Residents can email their concerns to mail@cook.qld.gov.au or call (07) 4082 0500 for more information or support.

12. Will the Centre be available for private or commercial events under Council management?

Yes, the Centre will continue to be available for private, community, and commercial events. Council is focused on maximising its use to benefit the community while helping to offset operational costs.

13. Will local sports and recreation groups still have access to the Centre?

Absolutely. One of Council’s goals is to enhance access for local sports and recreation groups, with plans to offer increased availability on weekends and after hours.

14. Will there be new programs or services introduced after the transition?

Yes, Council plans to introduce new programs and services to meet the community’s needs. Partnerships with local organisations are being explored to expand offerings, including arts, sports, and cultural activities.

15. How will Council ensure that the Centre is well-maintained?

Council already plays an active role in maintaining the Centre, including the building and grounds. By taking over management, we will ensure the facility remains in excellent condition and promptly address maintenance needs. This will allow the community to continue enjoying a safe and welcoming space.

16. When does my current PCYC Gym Membership expire?

All active PCYC gym memberships will expire at midnight on 17 December 2024. All members will have received correspondence from PCYC Queensland in regards to their membership options.

17. Will the Events Centre close over Christmas?

Yes, the centre will close from 21 December 2024, reopening on 6 January 2025. The 24-hour gym will still be accessible for gym members during this period.

18. When can I sign up with Council for Gym Membership?

For information on memberships and how to join, click here.

19. How much will gym memberships be?

Gym Memberships – Adults (18 years and over). Read Terms & Conditions here

Joining fee (one off fee)  per person $15.00
Casual (during business hours) per visit $10.00
Fortnightly (direct debit) per fortnight $25.90
3-month pass up front payment $150.00
6-month pass up front payment $290.00
Annual Gym pass up front payment $550.00
Annual Gym + Pool pass up front payment $650.00

Gym Memberships – Concession card holders and students (12 – 17 years) Read Terms & Conditions here

Joining fee (one off fee)  per person $15.00
Casual (during business hours) per visit $8.00
Fortnightly (direct debit) per fortnight $20.00
3-month pass up front payment $115.00
6-month pass up front payment $220.00
Annual Gym pass up front payment $430.00
Concession Gym + Pool pass Annual up front payment $512.00
Student Gym + Pool pass Annual up front payment $488.00