Home » Council » Rates, Fees and Charges » General Rates & Utility Charges


General Rates

General Rates are levied on all applicable properties with the Shire with the proportion of the rates based on the value of the unimproved land (this excludes the value of any buildings on the land). The amount may vary depending on the use of the land (i.e. residential, commercial, rural, etc).


Property Valuations

The land valuation used for general rates is provided by the Queensland Department of Resources. Contact the Department on 13 QGOV (13 74 68) if you have a question on the ‘land use definition’ and/or the land valuation applied to a rateable assessment.


Differential General Rate Categories

Every rateable assessment is allocated a differential rate category, for the purpose of calculating the General Rate Levy. The definition is influenced by a number of factors such as the land use, location, size and valuation. Categories are printed in the ‘Description Column’ on the rate notice immediately under the General Rates.

To see a full list of general rate categories, their definitions please refer to the Revenue Statement page.

If you believe the category currently assigned to your property is inappropriate, you can request a review of the categorisation using the Notice Of Objection Against Categorisation Form.


Utilities and Other Charges

Our Shire charges services for Water, Sewer and Waste.

Sewerage Charge – The sewerage charge applies to all properties connected to or have the possibility of connection to the sewerage infrastructure within defined sewered areas.

Water Access Charge – The water access charge applies to all properties connected to or have the possibility of connection to water infrastructure within the defined reticulated water areas.

This means that even though there may not be a water meter on the property, the property still received the charge as it has access to the water system.

There will also be consumption charges at a rate per kilolitre used, adopted by Council annually at the Budget meeting. The rate is recorded in the Revenue Statement.

Waste Collection – Council provides residential refuse collection service within defined refuse areas. All residential properties, excluding vacant land within the service areas attract the refuse collection charge irrespective of whether they use the service or not.


Emergency Management Levy (Fire Levy)

Council is a collection agency only for the Emergency Management Levy, applicable on improved and vacant land. All levies collected by councils throughout Queensland are forwarded to the State Government. Premises are levied in accordance with the approved schedules, as issued annually by the Queensland Department of Community Safety.

For more information contact Queensland Fire and Emergency Services.


Environmental Levy

A separate charge will be levied equally on each parcel of rateable land within Cook shire to fund the rehabilitation and after-care costs of Council Sanitary Depots and Landfills.


Waste Operations Levy

A charge is levied equally on each parcel of rateable land within the Shire for the purpose contributing towards operational costs of Council Sanitary Depots and Landfills located at Archer river, Ayton, Coen, Cooktown, Lakeland, Laura, Moreton Telegraph, Portland Roads and Rossville.


Rural Fire Levy

This is applicable to all rateable properties within the defined brigade areas of Marton, Rossville, Bloomfield and Poison Creek Rural Brigades.