Enhancing Charlotte Street for everyone
Preserving its wide-open streetscape, we are increasing parking capacity and introducing a shared path and bike lanes. Based on community feedback, these improvements will provide seamless connectivity between Charlotte Street and Adelaide Street, ensuring a more accessible and enjoyable experience for everyone.
Charlotte Street, Cooktown from Boundary Street to Webber Esplanade/Cooktown Wharf
The Charlotte Street Revitalisation Project started in 2016 with the objective of reviewing the conceptual streetscape along Charlotte Street between the Boundary Street roundabout and the wharf.
The project consists of 6 stages:
Stage 1: Boundary Street intersection to Hogg Street
Surface upgrade, installation of kerbing, sealed parking bays, drainage improvements traffic lane treatments and construction of shared pathway.
Stages 2 and 3: Intersection treatments at Walker, Furneaux, Adelaide and Green Street intersections including the construction of kerb outstands, traffic media islands, kerb ramps, signage and line markings
Stage 4: Banks Street to Seaview Hotel
Surface upgrade to seal
Stage 5: Cooktown Wharf and Waterfront area
To upgrade the Wharf and Waterfront area improving the safety footprint and functionality to accommodate the community as well as the beatification works required to sustain the tourism industry
Stage 6: Sherrin Esplanade from Furneaux Street-Adelaide Street to Charlotte Street
Surface upgrade to seal, installation of kerbing, sealed parking bays, drainage improvements traffic lane treatments, signage and line marking, and construction of shared pathway.
Remaining* total project budget = $5.4 million
*Value excluding completed sections and sections in design phase.
This project is jointly funded by the Australian Government’s Road to Recovery Program and the Queensland Government’s Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme (TIDS).

The Charlotte Street Revitalisation project consists of 6 stages
21 April 2023 | Public Notice: Upgrade works to commence
Project Timeline
- Stage 1: Complete
- Stage 2: Complete
- Stage 3: Complete
- Stage 4: Complete
- Stage 5: In progress
- Stage 6: In progress