QLD Libraries App
The QLDLibraries app allows Rural Libraries Queensland and Indigenous Knowledge Centre members to access the collections from their phones or tablets anywhere, anytime.
It allows them to search for titles, place reserves, manage loans, provide feedback, and connect with the library on social media. QLDLibraries app also connects members to ebook, eaudiobook and emagazine collections in BorrowBox and Overdrive as well as providing quick and easy access to valuable eresources such as LinkedIn Learning, AMES, LOTE4Kids, Story Box Hub and the QLD cloudLibrary Language collection
Explore thousands of e-books available through the State and Rural Libraries collections. You can read e-books online using an internet browser, download them to your mobile device, and print or copy pages. Visit the Queensland Library App or State Library’s website for more information on accessing their e-book collection.
Unlock these incredible online resources today with your Cook Shire library card and enhance your reading experience from anywhere!